Infographic of infographics
This is what you get when you make an infographic based on analyzing 49 infographics.
(This project has since become the top Google image result for “infographic!!!”)
BUZZFEED - "The Infographic to End All Infographics" - April, 2011
PSFK - An Infographic About Infographics" - April, 2011
IdN - "Infographic of Infographics" - May, 2011
NOTCOT- "Infographic Infographic" - April, 2011
UNDER CONSIDERATION - "Ivan Cash Creates..." - April, 2011
THE WORLD'S BEST EVER - "The More You Know..." - April 2011
HYPERVOCAL - "How Meta..." - April, 2011
DESIGN YOU TRUST - "Infographics of..." - April, 2011
WIRED - "You Suck At Infographics" - July, 2012